Business Research and Writing

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    The ability to research and write are critical skills to solving complex business problems and communicating effectively within an organization. For this task, you will demonstrate competency in business research and writing as well as explore business content related to your field of study by creating three separate documents: an organized reference source document, a business report, and a presentation.
    A.  Select a scenario from the attached “Scenario List.”
    B.  Prepare a source document to organize eight reference titles into at least three research findings that relate to your chosen scenario, using the WGU library databases and other research tools.
    Note: Before working on this task please review the attached “RWT1 Source Document Template” to review the recommended formatting for your part B document.
    C.  Prepare a business report based on your research findings that includes the following:
    Note: Before working on this task please review the attached “RWT1 Business Report Template” to review the recommended formatting for your part C document.
    1.  Table of contents
    2.  Executive summary (suggested length of 1 page) that overviews the purpose of the report
    3.  Introduction (suggested length of 1 page) that explains the subject and purpose of the report
    4.  Body of the report (suggested length of 3–5 pages) that does the following:
    a.  Summarizes the three research findings gathered during your investigation
    b.  Analyzes how the three research findings gathered during your investigation will affect the company in your chosen scenario
    c.  Recommends at least three solutions to management based on your research findings
    i.  Justify your recommendations.
    5.  Conclusion that will:
    a.  Emphasize the importance of the three research findings.
    b.  Summarize the benefits of your recommendations.
    6.  Reference page for all references cited in the report, including at least eight references that correspond to your in-text citations
    D.  Provide a multimedia presentation (e.g., PowerPoint, Keynote)(suggested length of 8–10 slides) for the audience in your chosen scenario that includes the following:
    •  Three main research findings
    •  Your recommendations
    •  The justification for your recommendations
    E.  When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

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