This SLP focuses on Enterprise Systems that support a Production or IWM Departments in an organization. Most organizations have Production and IWM departments. If you are in the military or other Government agency, your organization may be service oriented i.e. they produce a service. Most likely they have some type of IWM department. Before reading about Production or inventory and warehouse management (IWM) Enterprise Systems, go to each of these websites and look at the responsibilities (i.e. the business processes) of a Production Department or IWM Department

    Shmula (2012, September 23), Warehouse Management Processes, Retrieved from

    After you have picked either warehouse management or manufacturing to write about, select one of the Enterprise Software applications below.

    Read: “Manufacturing (production)” at SAP ERP website along with the video, customer stories and white papers.

    You may go straight the Manufacturing Software Section and look at a number of applications

    OR Warehouse Management Software at SAP

    In this SLP paper, Please review and discuss production or Warehouse process software details with the following questions specifically:

    What are the potential benefits of one or more of the solutions identified by SAP? Specifically identify which solution or solutions you selected.
    Do you agree with them? Discuss and analyze. Explain why you agree or disagree. Try and explain the benefit that the SAP solutions you selected bring to an organization.
    Using the knowledge you gained on production or warehouse departments and Enterprise Systems that support them, discuss how this enterprise module might be useful to your organization? In discussing this state whether your organization has or does not have, one or more Enterprise Systems for production or procurement and whether the people that run them could use the tools you identified.
    SLP Assignment Expectations
    Your paper should be two to three pages in length, and reflect your personal experiences with this issue. The important part of all these project assignments is to carefully assess your own experiences with the topic, and then reflect critically on what you might have learned about yourself and about situations through this assessment process.

    The more that you can use the exercise to develop personal implications for your growth as a potential business person as well as a knowledge user, the more value you’ll get out of the exercise.

    If there are reasons why the entire exercise is impractical for you to undertake at all, please explain them to your instructor as early in the Module as possible, so that an alternative assignment can be arranged.

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