business problems and solutions

    Company Issues
    As a salesman in a wholesale business, I think people should not underestimate other people’s businesses, there are some issues I would like to discuss;
    First Issue is that this company always runs out of goods, which is not convenient for the customers to receive 90% of their order, where the best for them is to receive their full order.•1-
    2- Second point is delivery on time, when the client doesn’t receive the order on the scheduled time then this will cause customer dissatisfaction and cause damage to the business and relationships between the company and its clients.
    Weak Management in the area of organizing the warehouse, putting the products in the right way and right place.•3-
    No website•4-
    Pricing wise and knowing our competition in the market.•5-

    Open Source Solutions for Small Business Problems•
    By Locke, John. June 2004

    The MK/OMG Press: Real-Life MDA: Solving Business Problems with Model•
    Driven Architecture By Guttman, Michael, Parodi, John

    talk more about each problem and write a solution for each one

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