Business Law Project and question Custom Essay

    The project deals with a lease issue between a tenant and a landlord. After reading the scenario which is located in the Resources area, visit the web site listed and complete the following:

    Think like the landlord and file the appropriate forms and in one double spaced page explain what exhibits and testimony you would expect. Develop the exhibits, affidavits and pictures to support your argument.

    The tenant does not want to move. Think like the tenant and file the appropriate answer and counterclaim and in one double spaced page explain what exhibits and testimony you would expect. Develop the exhibits, affidavits, and pictures to support your argument.

    The landlord has to find some reasons to evict the tenant and break the lease. List the specific lease paragraphs� numbers that allegedly the tenant broke in the Notice to Leave the Premise along with explanations.

    The tenant has to present a defense or explanation for the reasons the landlord gives in the Answer.

    The project should include:

    1. Notice to the tenant from the landlord to Leave the Premises
    2. Complaint for Eviction and Money First Claim only
    3. Answer from the tenant
    4. Argument that the landlord will make � in outline form or one double spaced page �explain and attach what exhibits, affidavits, pictures and testimony the landlord will make in court.
    5. Argument that the tenant will make � in outline form or one double spaced page – explain what exhibits, affidavits, pictures and testimony the tenant will make in court.

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