Business Law

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    An online offer should include provisions relating to dispute settlement.

    A forum-selection clause indicates the place for the resolution of a dispute arising under a contract.

    A click-on agreement is an agreement whose terms are expressed inside a box in which the goods are packaged.

    A partnering agreement can indicate the parties’ intent with respect to subsequent contracts.

    Quality Sales Corporation enters into contracts over the Internet. Quality can protect itself against disputes involving these contracts by making important terms

    Digital Products Company includes a shrink-wrap agreement in a transaction with Eagle Engineering Corporation. A shrink-wrap agreement is an agreement whose terms are expressed.

    Mica buys “Nature,” a movie, through Open Eyes Wide, an online entertainment vendor. Before completing the purchase and downloading “Nature,” Mica must review a warning not to make and sell a copy of it. This warning is:

    Mary and Nick make a deal that comes under the UETA. Under the UETA, “information that is inscribed on a tangible medium or that is stored in an electronic or other medium and is retrievable in perceivable form” is:

    Michelle gives out a business card with an e-mail address on it. It is reasonable to infer that Michelle has consented to

    Jaime and Kip, consumers, transact a deal over the Internet. Their contract does not mention the UETA. The UETA covers.

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