• Students are required to submit only an electronic copy of their assignment (in MS Word) in the area provided on DSO by 11.59 pm on the due date.
    • Only one student from the group is required to submit.
    • Every student – whether doing the assignments individually or in groups- MUST enrol in a group to enable them to submit the assignment online. Those who intend to do the assignment individually should enrol in an empty group while those who will be submitting a group assignment have to enrol with their group members.

    This task is based on topics 1-3 of your unit. However it is expected that you will use subsequent topics as well to support your argument.

    Assignment Statement: ‘Australia is located in the right place at the right time-in the Asian region in the Asian century’ (Australian, Government, White Paper 2012)

    Assignment TASK
    a) Do you agree with the above statement? Discuss your answer
    b) What role have the structural transformations (state, businesses, labour relations) and regional integration played in Asia’s transformation?

    Details of the assignment follow.


    Students are expected to prepare for the assignment by reading and citing at least 12 references with a minimum of 6 academic journal articles. The rest of the references can be text books, newspaper articles, and government reports from the web or from the library.
    Peer reviewed journal articles are available through the Deakin University Library database collection e.g., Business source premier, ABI Inform, Expanded academic ASAP, Emerald Management Xtra.
    Wikipedia, and other personal opinion or social networking websites are NOT permitted. Assignments that cite these websites will be returned not assessed.


    Your paper should have the following features.
    1. Cover Page
    Ensure a cover page is attached to the front of your assignment, showing unit name, your name(s), and your student ID number (s).

    2. Introduction (Approximately 350 words)

    Outline the key areas/issues you intend to discuss in the assignment. A good introduction includes these aspects:
    -background of the topic
    -aim/purpose of the assignment
    -outline approach & paper structure.

    3. Body: (Approximately 2800 words)

    Present your argument to respond to the statement and support it with:
    a) critical analysis of the statement including analysing the opportunities and challenges for Australia
    b) critical analysis of the structural transformations and regional integration and what role they have played in the transformation of Asian economies

    4. Conclusion (Approximately 350 words)

    Wrap and sum up the findings of your research

    5. References: Use the Harvard/Author date method of referencing NOT footnotes or endnotes.
    You should have at least 12 references with a minimum of 6 academic journal articles.
    6. Appendix (optional)

    Additional Information

    • Use tables and diagrams where appropriate. All tables and diagrams must be numbered, labeled and briefly explained in the text of your briefing paper e.g. “Table 2 shows the GDP growth of the main economies ….” You can construct your own tables, including information from the tables of the government assignment, if appropriate. If you reproduce any tables or figures from various sources, you must add details of the source directly under the table
    • Use a 12 pt print font. The assignment should be 1.5 line spaced with an extra line space between each paragraph.
    • Please use page numbers and indicate at the end of your assignment the total number of words of your paper.
    Word Count
    • The word limit is 3500 and will be strictly adhered to. A 10% penalty (from the available marks) will apply for deviating from this word limit. The following sections are not included in the word count:
    o Title Page
    o Reference List
    o Appendices.
    Please use the Microsoft Word count before submitting your assignment.

    Extensions may be granted on the grounds of illness or special consideration (not foreseen possibilities like travel time taken for work). If you need an extension please discuss this with the unit chair as soon as possible. A medical certificate must accompany any extension requests based on illness.

    This assignment is worth 40% of your final grade. The detailed marking guide is at the end of this document (Please see Appendix-1). You should refer to these criteria when preparing your assignment for submission. The use of this Assessment Sheet ensures that students’ assignments are marked by the same standards and criteria no matter who is marking the assignment. These criteria are given to you in advance so that there are no surprises for you about how your assignment will be marked! If you are unsure about these criteria, see your tutor or lecturer.
    Your results and assessor’s comments will be returned to you normally within 15 business days of the due date (unless an extension has been granted). Marks can be accessed from D2L. You will be notified by an announcement on DSO.

    Students are expected to regularly check D2L for such announcements.

    Please note that before results are returned to you, the unit team will have applied methods to ensure that the standards by which your work has been assessed are the same for all students enrolled in the unit. If necessary, you may request additional information from assessors or checks on addition or recording errors. However, no reviews or remarks of assessment tasks are allowed unless you formally request such a review through the Unit chair.


    A reference is necessary when:
    • another writer is directly quoted.
    • the ideas of another person are rephrased, whether in writing, on the web or orally as in interviews and lectures.
    • research findings are reported.
    • a claim is made.

    Students must not present the work of others (authors or students) as their own. Plagiarism is intellectual theft. Providing the source of all material used in an essay in a reference shows that you have read widely, and that you have properly acknowledged the work of other authors’. Students’ website plagiarism is increasing in number. You need to be very aware that markers nowadays can easily detect website plagiarism through various means. Further, it is your responsibility to take “proper care in safeguarding” your work and make “all reasonable efforts to ensure” that your “work is not able to be copied.”


    Any one of the following is classified as plagiarism:

    a. the submission of an answer that is substantially similar to an answer submitted by another student in the same, or earlier years, either at this or another University
    b. the submission of an answer that is not substantially the student’s own work (or, in the case of joint work, not substantially undertaken by the individuals named as having undertaken the joint work)
    c. the submission of an answer that contains substantial quotations from other works, such as books or journals, without appropriate reference to the source.

    Please note that (a) applies not only to the student who has copied an assignment, but also to the student from whom the answer was copied. The piece of work that you finally submit should be your own: it should contain your ideas and be written in your own words.

    Any student who (i) copies or otherwise uses the work of another person or (ii) allows
    another person to copy or otherwise use his or her answer when both are completing the same or similar assessment will either lose credit for that assessment, the subject, or be disciplined in some other way.



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