Business Ethics

    Business Ethics

    Paper instructions:
    Answer the following questions:

    1. In chapter 7, Tom Morris says, “Ethics is all about: spiritually healthy people in socially harmonious relationships.” (p. 118) How is spirituality related to the business world, according to Morris? Comment on it by referring to the reading.

    2. In chapter 8, Tom Morris says that the greatest rule of all is the ‘golden rule.’ (p. 146) Explain Morris’ view. Is golden rule a good rule to follow in the business context?

    3. What is wisdom? What is virtue? What are the three keys to character? Is it important that a manager be a person of integrity and good character? If you are a manager or work under a manager, talk about the importance of character and integrity with regard to your job. What is Plato’s Allegory of the Cave as explained in page 174? How does this relate to the workplace?

    4. What is the point of the example of Brother Jeff? What is spirituality in the workplace? Does this make any sense to you? How? Explain.

    5. Out of the four spiritual needs, which ones are most important for you in your workplace? Why? What does Morris mean by his quote on page 214 “A man should always wear………For me, the world was created.”

    6. Some final thoughts on what you have learned from this book “If Aristotle Ran General Motors.” Is this book too idealistic? Three ideas from the book that will remain with you after you finish this course. Explain


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