Business Communication

    Good grammar, Business skill needed. I need an A please in this assignment.
    This is a Business Communication course , you have to know how to work with Business Communication and Business letter&format.


    Before you start this assignment, please review the grammar and punctuation information posted above this link in D2L.  I have listed below some of the most frequently missed grammar and punctuation rules. You will find C.L.U.E. reviews (grammar) at the end of each chapter, and Appendix A at the end of your textbook gives grammar and punctuation rules.  I will count off points for not following the punctuation rules and grammar rules listed below, in the review, and in the textbook appendix.

    This chapter, in my opinion, is the most powerful chapter in the textbook.  Of the four major methods of communication (reading, speaking, writing, listening), listening is usually the one that is the least developed in individuals, yet effective listening skills are essential for workplace success. Good listeners tend to be more successful on the job and tend to get promoted more. Another important area of communication that cannot be overlooked is that of nonverbal communication.

    Pay attention to the kinds of listening on pages 50 and 51 and to the ten keys to building listening skills on pages 52 and 53.

    You are to complete the listening quiz posted below this link in CONTENT. When you have completed the quiz, you need to write down two listening behaviors you need to work on the most.  Type those answers before your answers to Activity 2.16, page. 67.  “My score is 56″

    The very first subtitle or chapter section heading is Recognizing the Increasing Importance of Intercultural Communication. Although some of you may have lived in one town or area your entire life, you do live in an increasing international or global market. The global village predicted many years ago is a reality. With intercultural communicationcomes even greater communication-related challenges. This chapter focuses on the trends of intercultural communication and the significant characteristics of culture. This chapter will be helpful later in the course when you have to do your oral presentation.  I will remind you then to refer back to this chapter.

    On page 97, please read Activity 3.10.  please post your three to five expressions

    This chapter shows students how to become successful business writers by systematically following the writing process which the textbook divides into three phases:  Prewriting, Writing, and Revising.  Chapter 4 emphasizes prewriting: analyzing, anticipating, and adapting to audiences. The textbook author presents a 3-x-3 Writing Process that will guide you in writing messages.

    Read carefully what is meant by you view.  Remember that you view will seldom use a first person pronoun such as I or we.  Be sure to know the exact phases of the 3-x-3 writing process as outlined by the textbook author.

    Following are some examples that should help you analyze your own writing:

    Using Bias-Free Language

    1.  Avoiding Gender Bias
    Use neural, inclusive expressions and avoid sexist language.

    firefighter instead of fireman
    letter carrier instead of mailman

    2.  Avoiding Racial or Ethnic Bias
    Indicate racial or ethnic identification only if the context demands it.

    A sales manager instead of A Korean sales manager
    A graphic designer instead of A Hispanic graphic designer

    3.  Avoiding Age Bias
    Specify age only if it is relevant, and avoid expressions that are demeaning or subjective.

    The receptionist retired. instead of The older receptionist retired.
    a woman instead of little old lady

    4.  Avoiding Disability Bias
    Unless relevant, do not refer to an individual’s disability.

    The applicant instead of the handicapped applicant

    Expressing Yourself Positively
    Find positive ways to express your ideas to avoid angry reactions from your audience. Avoid words likecomplaint, criticism, defective, failed, mistake, and neglected.

    Being Courteous
    Soften the tone of your message by using a courteous tone and words like please and thank you.

    Simplifying Your Language
    To help your audience comprehend your ideas quickly, use short, familiar words that they will recognize.

    Using Precise, Vigorous Words
    Use strong verbs and concrete nouns to provide more specific information to your audience.

    Checklist for Adapting a Message to Its Audience
    Identify the message purpose.
    Select the most appropriate form.
    Profile the audience.
    Focus on audience benefits.
    Avoid gender and racial bias.
    Avoid age and disability bias.
    Be conversational but professional.
    Express ideas positively rather than negatively.
    Use short, familiar words.
    Search for precise, vigorous words.

    On page 121 complete Activities 4.5, 4.6, and 4.8.

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