Business and Management

    This is an indivdiual asessement task.
    The main objective of this assignment is to reinforce the importance of project definition and needs identification
    in the initial phase of the project life cycle. Success of a project is affected by the way a project’s objective(s) is
    defined, planned and managed. Unfortunately, successful project managers do fail; the key difference in
    strategic project management is that they learn from their mistakes. Project managers also learn from their
    success and are constantly searching for new strategies to further improve. In highly successful projects you
    are likely to find an excellent and valuable project team, a motivated project manager and a very efficient
    project structure. This assignment is designed to lead you through a systematic evaluation of a project. Your
    role is to critically analyse one real project – not summarise a project. I want to see that you have thought about
    the project and offered critical comments and insights based on your understanding of project management.

    The project:
    Search for a real project in the hotel and hospitality industry. You can choose a project that was completed
    successfully or one that was not completed successfully. Make sure you chose a project where there is sufficient information about the project for you to access.

    You assignment should be carefully written and in the style of an executive summary summarising what the project is and explaining why the project is necessary or desirable. Remember that a project initiation document (PID) should state what the project is and the rationale for doing it.
    The PID should contain the following information:
    • Project Title (under which category or organisation type does the project fall?- ref chp 2)
    • What is the project? A brief description of the project in simple and clear terms. What is the end point? How will we know when the project is finished?
    • Project Objective (what do you want to accomplish?)
    • Motivation (why do you think this is a worthwhile project?)
    • Research Approach (how will you go about gathering and analysing the data?)


    You are encouraged to search the Web for these projects and to collect any type of information about the
    situation, making sure to cover differing viewpoints. This could include newspapers, project management
    magazine and journals. As this project is a real case you can expand the information presented in the
    references (i.e. source).
    • Write a report that critically analyses how the project was planned and performed. The report should include:
    1. Brief introduction to the project.
    • Please give an overview of your project. This should explain what the project was and the context in which theproject occurred.
    • Clear identification of the stakeholders, objective(s) and scope of the project.

    • A brief description of how the project was managed (eg. strategy, key events). In particular, explain whether the project ran to plan.

    .Alternatively, if the project deviated from plan, why did this occur and what was the impact of these deviations for the project?

    2.A critical analysis of the project outcome (i.e. the critical factors that made this project a success or a failure).

    3. Conclusion: Conclude by reflecting on the project, what did you learn? What good practices will you, as a manager, take from this to future projects, and what activities would you not do in the future and why?
    4. Appendix.
    • The report should not exceed 1000 words and should be formatted using 1.5 line spacing and a font size of
    12pt. The word limit does not include the appendix, or references. Please make sure you read the assessment
    • criteria before commencing your assignment. The feedback form for this assessment will be available on the
    course homepage.

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