Business and Management

    Question 1:
    Does leadership make a difference? Why or why not? Justify your opinion with examples from your personal experience and from research on the topic. Include in your response how leaders influence organizational performance and provide an example that is congruent with your position – this may be accomplished by interviewing a leader you know or by citing an example in the media.

    Question 2:
    Transformations are occurring in today’s organizations and leadership is needed to facilitate these changes. Select a recent article from current events (past 90 days) related to this topic. Write a well-written presentation on this topic by providing a paragraph summarizing the primary components of the article and a second paragraph presenting your analysis of the article (Do you agree/disagree? Is it congruent with our text? Why/why not? Etc.). Be certain to provide a complete reference (APA) for the selected article.

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