Business and Management

    One step of developing the moral skill to make well-reasoned decisions is practice making those decisions. In this assignment you will use an assigned ethical framework we have discussed to reason through a decision and discover one possible course of action. As we know, a framework may not give you an answer that seemsright to you, but looking at a problem from a variety of perspectives is one element of considering alternatives.Thinking clearly and methodically through the decision-making process is a step in developing moral skill.

    You will receive an assigned ethical dilemma and framework. Writing for an uninitiated reader, someone who is not familiar with your dilemma or your framework, you will argue for an interpretation of an application of your assigned framework to your assigned dilemma. It does not matter whether you personally would follow the course of action your analysis leads you to describe; what is important is that you demonstrate your understanding of the concepts and principles of the framework and can apply them correctly. You may use your lecture, discussion, and workshop notes and the text for this assignment; however, use of any other material is prohibited and will be considered academic misconduct. While we encourage collaboration, each student is responsible for submitting his/her own, original work.

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