Business and Management

    Paper instructions:

    In this task, you will use the attached “Competition Bikes Inc. Storyline” to review various budgets and budget planning for the company and provide your analysis and recommendations.


    Note: Be sure to submit a copy of your Excel workbook when submitting your JET2 Task 2 work. The evaluator will need a copy of your data to ensure correct evaluation.

    A. Prepare a summary report in which you do the following:

    1. Discuss specific budgetary items that raise concern in the budget planning (Spreadsheet Tab: Task 2_Budgets_and_Proformas).

    2. Evaluate the flexible budget and its variances (Spreadsheet Tab: Task_2_Budget_Variances).

    a. Recommend corrective actions for areas of concern based on a variance analysis.

    b. Discuss how the concept of management by exception could be applied to the variances.

    B. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

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