Business and Management

    Choose one of the following topics. If you have your own topic, please address this with your instructor ahead of time for approval:

    ·         Traditional versus online education; Is there a difference?

    ·         How important is technology in education?

    ·         Are hybrid and fuel cell cars the key to the future?

    ·         Should recycling be mandatory?

    ·         Have online stores affected their retail counterparts?

    ·         Does piracy affect the film and music industries?

    ·         Do Facebook, MySpace, Twitter improve communication skills?

    ·         OR – choose a topic of your own to argue.  You MUST get instructor approval for this beforehand!

    Your paper must be in Microsoft Word and in APA format and include the following:

    ·         APA Title Page

    ·         3 to 5 Pages of Body Text (the Title Page and References Page do not count)

    ·         APA References Page

    ·         Double spaced 12 pt. Times New Roman Text (for the entire paper including the reference list entries)

    ·         Your paper DOES NOT NEED an Abstract

    It must also include these important factors:

    ·         Running Head & Page Numbers

    ·         2 or More Sources from the library  with in-text citations and reference list entries – these should be academic in nature

    ·         1 or More Sources from the Internet with in-text citations and reference list entries – these should be academic in nature (Wikipedia is not an acceptable source)

    Make sure that you include your introduction and thesis, along with three supporting pages in the body of your paper, and a clear and concise conclusion, that will demonstrate how you have proven your thesis. Your rough draft will be due Thursday Night at Midnight. After I have reviewed it and corrected it, you will then submit the final draft the following week (end of Week 7).

    Edit and proofread your paper and ensure that it is in proper APA format, with a Cover Page, in-text citations and a References Page.

    You have access to these free services from Post University, and the 

    Post University Writing Center to help you with your paper. And this free online website is available

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