Business and Management

    1. What differences might one expect among stakeholder expectations for a nonprofit organization versus a for-profit business? Do you think nonprofit managers have to pay more attention to stakeholders than do business managers?
    2. What we can learn, and what can we not learn from an organizational chart? What structural and contextual variables we study in organizational theory appear on the organizational chart?
    3. Should organizational leaders adopt an adversarial or a collaborative/partnership philosophy when dealing with other companies? Does it matter whether or not the other company is a direct competitor for your response? Why or why not?
    4. How might the use of Information Technologies (IT) affect how an organization is designed? Should organizations attempt to use technology whenever and wherever it is applicable – or should the use of IT be more limited and strategic in its application? Defend your position either way.
    5. If you were asked to provide a description of the culture of the Faculty of Business Administration at MUN, how would you go about evaluating the culture? Is it possible that the culture will be different compared to other departments or the university as a whole? Why or why not?

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