
    How could two companies with similar gross profit figures end up with dramatically different net operating income?

    Consider various options for pursing new market opportunities. How could the options for pursing market opportunities be applied to your career planning at various stages in your career? (Think of your skills as the products you have to offer.

    Do you agree that giving companies tax breaks for charitable contributions distorts public spending by indirectly giving companies and activists control over how tax revenues are spent? Why or why not?

    As a consumer taking charge of your own financial future, what lessons could you take from the business concepts of fixed and variable costs?
    It can be debated that either organizational change drives technology (i.e. technology is a response to organizational needs), or technology drives organizational change (i.e. feasible technology is used to cultivate organizational wants), or that both technology and organizational change evolve together. Which view do you agree with and why? Share an example from your work experience to support your viewpoint.

    With everything you’ve learned about labor relations so far, would you describe yourself as more pro-union or more anti-union? Why?


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