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    Due at the Start of Class on Friday, June 6, 2014, 9:30 a.m.

    You will write an analytical report about a business-related issue. The body of your report should be double-spaced and should comprise no fewer than four and no more than six pages. The report must contain the following parts:

    Title page

    Table of contents




    Works Cited page

    Please note that the title page, table of contents, and works cited page are in addition to the four to six pages in the body of the report.

    You should use the MLA (Modern Language Association) style to acknowledge your sources. (This style is described in your HOW book and in Appendix C of your textbook.) Your Works Cited page will list all sources used to write your report, which may include Internet articles, books, journals, and personal interviews.

    Originality. You must use your own words/language/ideas/thoughts EXCEPT when you credit your source. When you use another’s words exactly, use quotation marks and cite your source. When you paraphrase another’s ideas, cite your source. When you find the same information in at least five different places, you may assume that the ideas are general knowledge and not cite a source. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE!

    Sources of Information. You will be required to reference five sources in your paper. At least two of the sources must come from the Library’s article databases, encyclopedias, or interviews. You may also use up to three articles found from searches on the Internet. Proper credit should be given to your sources as described above, both in the body of your report (as an internal citation), as well as on your Works Cited page.

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