
    You are also required to reflect on the learning you have gained over the MBM programme as a whole, as it impacts on your modes of thinking, your career and your personal philosophies.

    This is an individual assessment in which you will learn from your MBM experience through reflection in the context of your career aspirations, learning preferences and personal values.

    The challenge is how has the MBM tested you, and how have you responded to its various challenges? What have you learned about the way you learn and the way you work? What are the value exchanges that have occurred? Looking at the Competency Framework, which aspects have you gained the most/least from? Why? How will you capitalise on the MBM learning experience? What skills and networks do you now identify as being necessary to support your career plans over the next five years, and how will your MBM experience help you to build, master and leverage these? What changes have occurred in your perceptions of learning, work and community, and to what extent and in what ways are these significant? Does the MBM experience fit comfortably with your personal plans and values? If so, why? And if not, why not? Finally, with the benefit of hindsight, what should you personally have done differently in the MBM, and what will you now do differently as a result of this insight?

    I strongly recommend that you keep a learning log; this should be appended to your reflective essay and used as a springboard for your reflective observations.

    The MBM experience encompasses the “toolkit” components of Part 1, as well as the applied papers of Part 2 of the MBM.

    Please do not use this assessment to summarise or critique the MBM programme itself. (You are welcome to do this, of course, but not in this paper!) This assessment is about YOU.

    Length: 2000-2500 words

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