
    You are required to use publicly available information to analyse a publicly listed company and prepare a report which provides an assessment of the company’s current position and future prospects, and which incorporates the use of a range of valuation models to arrive at an estimate of the company’s share price. To provide structure the assignment should include the points listed below:

    The final submission of the assignment should include the following:

    Part 1 : Financial Performance and Current Issues

    In this section, you are expected to provide:

    • An evaluation of the company’s brief recent history and financial performance over time and also include peer group analysis.
    • Conduct ROE for the company following the DuPont ROE approach and include peer group comparison.
    • An analysis of the current issues facing the company, the industry it operates in, and explain the impact of the issues on the company’s future earning.

    Part 2: Valuation Models

    The second part/section of the assignment should contain the estimation of the value of the company’s share using:

    ? Dividend valuation model (DDM)
    ? Free Cash Flow to Equity model (FCFE)
    ? Price/Earnings Ratio model (P/E)
    ? Price/Book Value Ratio model (P/B)

    You are expected to use the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) – discussed in topic 3 – to estimate the required rate of return or discount rate needed for each model. For CAPM estimation, you are required to calculate the following:

    1. Beta: You cannot pick a beta value estimated elsewhere (e.g., Bloomberg) and use it in your report. Follow topic 3 lecture notes and relevant chapter (chapter 8) of the prescribed textbook to estimate the beta of the company and attach details of your work as an appendix. Also adjust the raw beta using appropriate methodology (refer to topic 3 lecture notes).

    2. Risk-Free Rate: Use 10 years Govt. Bond Yield as a proxy for the risk-free rate. Indicate any advantages or disadvantages if there are any.

    3. Market Risk Premium: The estimation of the expected market risk premium is crucial. You must carefully explain what you do and any assumption you make while estimating market risk premium.

    • Risk Premium Estimation

    To estimate the risk premium, first, you have to estimate the expected market return (ASX200 is your market portfolio). Assume that expected return on the market portfolio is related to a Macroeconomic variable, e.g., GDP. Then use the expected changes in the macroeconomic variable, with appropriate possible returns and appropriate probabilities (assume these returns and probabilities based on your analysis of current economic condition) to estimate expected return on the market portfolio. Then, subtract the RFR from the expected market return and arrive at your market risk premium.

    Once you estimate these three figures (1-3) you will be able to estimate the required rate of return or discount rate following CAPM that can be used in valuation models.

    Important points to be covered in Part 2:

    • Explain any assumptions made in implementing the models.
    • Where appropriate, explain how you arrived at the variables you are using. E.g., it is not enough to say you are assuming a 2 percent growth rate. You would be expected to provide justification/motivation of how you arrive at 2 per cent growth rate.
    • Provide an indication of the sensitivity of your valuations to changes in the assumptions. E.g. perform sensitivity analysis for each model.

    Part 3: Evaluation/Discussion of the value/price of the company

    Comment on your valuations from part 2, including a discussion of possible explanations of why your valuations differ from the current/recent share price. If appropriate, discuss why some of the above models may be unsuitable for valuing the company.

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