BUSI DB Replies 1

    17 hours ago
    Megan Buechel
    Updated Topic: Positive Organizational Behavior
    Definition: In our book called Organizational Behavior it states This recommendation is consistent with the emerging philosophy of positive organizational behavior which suggests that focusing on the positive rather than the negative aspect of life will improve organizational success and individual well-being (McShane & Von Glinow 2008 p. 79).
    Summary: This article called Examples & Illustrations of Positive Organizational Behavior summarizes how no matter what business you are in you want to always make sure you are positive. It also states four important key ideas needed for success in any industry. These four are framing simple tasks as valuable and meaningful encouraging the best instead of discouraging the worse eliminating double standards and collectively supporting good causes. By combining these steps together any business will start to see a change in attitude of their employees.
    Discussion: After reading this article it really made me realize how the four key components are important in any business. Personally I work at a gym called Club Fitness. I have had to deal with new management and learn the way they want things to be done. However they do not take the time to teach you the right way if you mess up. Instead you get yelled at and must figure it out yourself. Although I dont want to make any excuses Club Fitness has not been around as long as Golds gym and are still trying to figure out the right way to do things. In addition it is also important for the customers to feel wanted. It takes great courage for one to walk into the gym without feeling self-conscious about themselves. As an employee I feel it is my job to always greet the customers with a smile on my face. As the article states Thanks so much for your waitstaffs friendly trouble-free service (Lucas Para. 2). It doesnt matter who you are or where you come from; as long as you do your job correctly then you will become more successful in any company. By implementing the four key points form this article you might even be able to help a company grow and become more successful.
    After reading few verses from the Bible there were two that caught my eye. The first one would be 1 Corinthians 14:40 But all things should be done decently and in order. God took steps to create the world we live in. There is always an order to everything we do. If we do things correctly and in order then more companies would become successful in everything they do. Second is from Habakkuk 2:2 which states Write the vision; make it plain on tablets so he may run who reads it. However God himself had a vision in his head. In todays world it is important to make sure everything is written down. When it comes to being organized in a business you must have everything written down and filed so you know exactly where you put things. As a manager this is a key component in being successful.
    Lucas K. (n.d.). Examples & Illustrations of Positive Organizational Behavior. Retrieved July 09 2017 from http://smallbusiness.chron.com.examples-illustrations-positive-organizational-behavior-81818.html
    Positive Organizational Behavior in the Workplace. (n.d.). Retrieved July 09 2017 from http://journals.sagepub.com/dio/abs/10.1177/0149206307305562?patientinform-links=yesr33%2F5%2F774
    So T. (2009 March 18). Positive Organizational Behavior and Better Work Performance. Retrieved July 09 2017 from http://positivepsychologynews.com/news/timothy-so/200903181667
    The Bible. (n.d.). Retrieved 09 2017 from http://ebible.com
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    2 hours ago
    Sarah Smith
    RE: Reserving (OCB) Organizational Citizenship Behaviors
    Organizational Citizenship Behaviors
    Definition: Organizational Citizenship Behaviors are defined as various forms of cooperation and helpfulness to others that support the organizations social and psychological context (McShane & VonGilnow 2015 p.36 para. 2).
    Summary: The article Exploring Organizational Citizenship Behavior as an Outcome of Job Satisfaction: A Critical Review written by Biswas and Mazumder (2017) discusses how job and pay satisfaction along with job participation lead to increased organizational citizenship behaviors. Once material and financial needs are fulfilled employees feel it their duty to give back to the organization in the form of voluntary actions and pro-social as well as altruistic behavior (Biswas & Mazumder 2017 p. 12 para. 2). Satisfied employees have been seen to engage themselves more in quality work resulting in more retention rates which in turn gets reflected in superior performances for the organization (Biswas & Mazumder 2017 p.12 para. 3). In conclusion the authors suggest that Organizational Citizenship Behavior should be encouraged amongst employees since it leads to a more positive work environment lower costs and greater productivity.
    Discussion: Job satisfaction refers to the pleasurable state of mind or positive feelings that employees have towards their jobs (Biswas & Mazumder 2017 p.9 para. 3). Employees that are satisfied with their jobs and how much they make are more likely display the organizational citizenship behaviors. Satisfied employees promote the company since they are more loyal to it. They are satisfied with their jobs and as a result they have more positive interactions with customers. These employees are also more likely to want to do extra activities like plan outings for the group and help bolster teamwork amongst the members of the working group. When the employees are more content with their jobs they are more likely to stay with the company thus reducing turnover.
    At our medical group we had high levels of job satisfaction. Employees were willing to go out of their way to plan activities. We had a running/walking group birthday parties and would do things for staff members that were struggling. That all changed when we hired a new manager. She discouraged employees talking to each other about personal issues and only wanted work done at work. The environment soon changed and the activities stopped. Employee satisfaction has decreased and the organizational citizenship behaviors have decreased. Half the staff quit under the new manager and three others are looking for new jobs. If she would have come in to the office and assessed that we worked hard and therefore played hard she would have understood the dynamic and would have had a better result.
    Have you ever worked somewhere that promoted organizational citizenship behaviors? If so what did the work environment look like? It seems that when the organizational citizenship behaviors are coming from all in the group the work environment would be a fun place to work.
    1 Corinthians 3:13 Each ones work will become manifest for the day will disclose it because it will be revealed by fire and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done.
    Biswas N. & Mazumder Z. (2017). Exploring organizational citizenship behavior as an outcome of job satisfaction: a critical review.
    IUP Journal of Organizational Behavior 16(2) 7-16. Retrieved from: http://web.b.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.liberty.edu/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=13&sid=a73992bc-6815-4f23-8bc0-82eb5116af9c%40sessionmgr120
    McShane S. & Von Glinow M. (2015). Organizational behavior (7th ed.). Boston MA: McGraw-Hill.
    Saifi I. A. & Shahzad K. (2017). The mediating role of job satisfaction in the relationship betweenorganizational justice and
    organizational citizenship behavior. Pakistan Journal of Commerce & Social Sciences 11(1)125-145. Retrieved from: http://web.a.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.liberty.edu/ehost/detail/detail?vid=5&sid=3b9bd307-5885-472c-ad75-64ba70cd4a5d%40sessionmgr4008&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#AN=123025050&db=bth
    Yoshikawa T. & Hu H. (2017). Organizational citizenship behaviors of directors: an integratedframework of director role-identity
    and boardroom structure. Journal of Business Ethics 143(1) 99-109. Doi: 10.1007/s10551-015-2808-9. Retrieved from: http://web.a.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.liberty.edu/ehost/detail/detail?vid=1&sid=3b9bd307-5885-472c-ad75-64ba70cd4a5d%40sessionmgr4008&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#AN=123476072&db=bth
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    3 days ago
    William Thomas
    RE: Work-Life Balance
    William Thomas
    BUSI 340-D03
    Work-Life Balance
    Work-life balance is defined as the degree to which a person minimizes conflict between work and nonwork demands (McShane & Von Glinow 2015 p. 20).
    In their article Work Life Balance: A Conceptual Review for the Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management Omar Khan and Asif Fazili both assistant professors of business at the Islamic University of Science and Technology in India discuss the concept of work-life balance and its evolution from its mid-twentieth century beginning. Khan and Fazili (2016) break down the work-life conflict in terms of how it affects certain demographic groups most specifically discussing the impact on gender marital and parental status and cultural background. The authors assert that the majority of work-life balance issues today are driven by increased use of technology and the inability of employees to truly unplug from their work (Khan & Fazili 2016). Subsequently the authors offer their suggestions to help remedy the problem of work-life imbalance proposing several methods that can be adopted by both individuals and organizations to aid in maintaining greater balance.
    Anyone who has ever held a job has experienced the effects of work-life balance. Inevitably work often impedes everyday life and conversely personal commitments often pull one away from work. Research shows that those who experience the most imbalance between work and life are women those who are married and/or have children and those from western cultures (where extended family members are less likely to share some of the familial responsibilities)(Khan & Fazili 2016). Nonetheless despite the growing diversity found in the workplace work-life balance is sought universally.
    The increase in globalization also contributes to the work-life imbalance that many experience. As the demand for products and services around the world multiplies so does the speed at which fulfillment of these products and services is expected. Technology has made it possible for business deals to close within seconds and without 24/7 availability of someone somewhere a company can find itself irrelevant in the competitive market. As such many employees find themselves staying connected to the lighting-fast business world almost constantly putting a strain on their own personal time typically reserved for family leisure or even religious activities. Khan and Fazili (2016) suggest that the responsibility for maintaining a better work-life balance rests with both the individual and the organization. An individual may enlist the support of family friends or even coworkers to help relieve some of ones responsibility in one area in order to accommodate a need in another. If feasible one may consider telecommuting or even part-time work to free up extra time for life activities. Organizations may offer benefits such as maternity/paternity leave flexible scheduling on-site child care or elder care aid that would not only be advantageous to the employee but would also benefit the organization by contributing to higher retention rates and greater productivity (Khan & Fazili 2016).
    Have you experienced a time in your life where you felt the tension of trying to uphold your work-life balance? If so what strategies did you incorporate in order to help yourself achieve more balance in those areas? For me I make little distinction between work and life. I prefer to view life as a whole of which work is just a subpart. While God intends for people to work wholeheartedly (2 Thess. 3:10-12 Col. 3:23 Prov. 6:6-11) He does not expect work to consume our livesGod Himself even took a day of rest after His work of creation (Gen. 2:3)! While the Bible does speak of the importance of work there are so many more activities that we are called to partake in whether those come in the form of worship managing a household evangelizing visiting the sick or any number of things. In the grand scheme of things while work is important I do not give it the weight that it seems to carry in general society. I attribute a large part of that to the idea of contentment. Working to keep up with the Joneses and have all the luxuries of life is much different than working to feed clothe and house your family. Perhaps the question should be asked are you working to live or are you living to work?
    Bloom P. (2015). Work as the contemporary limit of life: Capitalism the death drive and the lethal fantasy of worklife balance. Organization 23(4) 588-606. Retrieved from https://doi-org.ezproxy.liberty.edu/10.1177/1350508415596604
    Khan O. & Fazili A. (2016). Work life balance: A conceptual review. Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management 5(2) 20-25. Retrieved from http://ezproxy.liberty.edu/login?url=http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.liberty.edu/docview/1839187406?accountid=12085
    McShane S. & Von Glinow M. (2015). Organizational behavior: Emerging knowledge global reality (7th ed.). New York NY: McGraw-Hill Education.
    Ross J. Intindola M. & Boje D. (2016). It was the best of times; It was the worst of times: The expiration of work-life balance. Journal of Management Inquiry 26(2) 202-215. Retrieved from https://doi-org.ezproxy.liberty.edu/10.1177/1056492616675414
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