

    The impact of nutrition and health on productivity.  Convince the audience (board of directors) that they must act on your recommendation.

    Powerpoint Slide Presentation –

    The Powerpoint slide presentation should include:

    · a cover slide, with all the information noted in the template.

    · Notes section should include suitable introductory remarks

    · an agenda slide

    · Notes section should include short notes on each agenda point

    · a minimum of six content slides – maximum of nine content slides (in addition to the cover slide and agenda slide i.e. they are not counted here) – representing the content of the presentation, including APA in-text citations ON EACH SLIDE

    · Notes section for each slide should include complete information that needs to be presented in full sentences with appropriate spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure.

    I expect to see at least one data chart with quantifiable data and a detailed explanation in the notes section.

    I should see 150-250 words in the notes section PER SLIDE.

    There should be one or more final slides which reproduce the reference page containing your source information (APA format). This should be a revised version of the reference page submitted in Week Seven with possible additional entries added.

    Notes submission

    Copy (i.e. cut and paste) the Notes section from each powerpoint slide to a Word document and submit the Word document to the same Dropbox.  The purpose of this is to have it examined by Turnitin.  Plagiarized submissions will be given a grade of zero.  The student will have a chance to resubmit with the resulting grade multiplied by 0.5.

    Use this as Outline

    1. Impacts of COVID-19 on global poverty, food security, and diets.

    2. Health initiatives can boost staff productivity

    Use this Reference

    Impacts of Covid‐19 on global … – wiley online library. (n.d.). Retrieved March 5, 2022, from

    Guardian News and Media. (2015, August 28). Wellness in the workplace: How health initiatives can boost staff productivity. The Guardian. Retrieved March 4, 2022, from

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