bus comments 4

    comment 1
    To be a successful entrepreneur you defiantly need courage. There are many risks an entrepreneur will take when first starting out and you cannot be afraid to take risks. You will never be successful if you do not take any risks. So having courage to take those risks is important.
    comment 2
    I would want to open up a business that would offer party supplies and wedding decoration rentals. This venue would offer everything from dishes tables and tents. The major challenge I would face is making sure not to be overbooked and having enough staff to conduct business in a timely manner. I would love to keep sales going by completely keeping a full schedule but needing to know how to staff part time assistance while maintaining the full time staff with enough hours. When an unlikely season hits what would my staff be employed to do? I would have to research a little more to come up with a more detailed business.

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