BUS 340 – Presidential Examples

    Assignment 1: Presidential Examples
    Worth 160 points (Due on July 14th)
    On 3 August 1990 the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 600 condemning the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and demanding that Iraq unconditionally withdraw all forces deployed in Kuwait. After a series of failed negotiations between major world powers and Iraq President George H.W. Bush conducted a one way negotiation in front of the full support of Congress and the Senate stating the requirements for a peaceful resolution to the invasion. Please watch the terms of the negotiation as presented in the video.
    Watch the video mentioned in Chapter 1 of the text titled President George H.W. Bush – Address Before Congress on Iraq (6m 03s) located at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll_GjnDCbjk.
    Write a three (3) page paper in which you:
    Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
    The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
    Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality logic/organization of the paper and language and writing skills using the following rubric.
    Points: 160
    Assignment 1: Presidential Examples
    Below 60% F
    Meets Minimum Expectations
    60-69% D
    70-79% C
    80-89% B
    90-100% A
    1. Discuss the specific negotiation skills that President Bush utilized in his one-way negotiation session with Saddam Hussein that he addressed in front of Congress. Provide specific examples of these negotiation skills to support your rationale.
    Weight: 30%
    Did not submit or incompletely discussed the specific negotiation skills that President Bush utilized in his one-way negotiation session addressed in front of Congress. Did not submit or incompletely provided specific examples of these negotiation skills to support your rationale.
    Insufficiently discussed the specific negotiation skills that President Bush utilized in his one-way negotiation session with Saddam Hussein that he addressed in front of Congress. Insufficiently provided specific examples of these negotiation skills to support your rationale.
    Partially discussed the specific negotiation skills that President Bush utilized in his one-way negotiation session with Saddam Hussein that he addressed in front of Congress. Partially provided specific examples of these negotiation skills to support your rationale.
    Satisfactorily discussed the specific negotiation skills that President Bush utilized in his one-way negotiation session with Saddam Hussein that he addressed in front of Congress. Satisfactorily provided specific examples of these negotiation skills to support your rationale.
    Thoroughly discussed the specific negotiation skills that President Bush utilized in his one-way negotiation session with Saddam Hussein that he addressed in front of Congress. Thoroughly provided specific examples of these negotiation skills to support your rationale.
    2. Debate whether or not you believe President Bushs approaches to the negotiation process were effective or ineffective in achieving his desired results. Justify your response. Weight: 30%
    Did not submit or incompletely debated whether or not you believe President Bushs approaches to the negotiation process were effective or ineffective in achieving his desired results. Did not submit or incompletely justified your response.
    Insufficiently debated whether or not you believe President Bushs approaches to the negotiation process were effective or ineffective in achieving his desired results. Insufficiently justified your response.
    Partially debated whether or not you believe President Bushs approaches to the negotiation process were effective or ineffective in achieving his desired results. Partially justified your response.
    Satisfactorily debated whether or not you believe President Bushs approaches to the negotiation process were effective or ineffective in achieving his desired results. Satisfactorily justified your response.
    Thoroughly debated whether or not you believe President Bushs approaches to the negotiation process were effective or ineffective in achieving his desired results. Thoroughly justified your response.
    3. Indicate who you believe was in control of the outcome of the negotiation attemptsBush or Hussein. Provide concrete examples of this control to support your position.
    Weight: 25%
    Did not submit or incompletely indicated who you believe was in control of the outcome of the negotiation attemptsBush or Hussein. Did not submit or incompletely provided concrete examples of this control to support your position.
    Insufficiently indicated who you believe was in control of the outcome of the negotiation attemptsBush or Hussein. Insufficiently provided concrete examples of this control to support your position.
    Partially indicated who you believe was in control of the outcome of the negotiation attemptsBush or Hussein. Insufficiently provided concrete examples of this control to support your position.
    Satisfactorily indicated who you believe was in control of the outcome of the negotiation attemptsBush or Hussein. Satisfactorily provided concrete examples of this control to support your position.
    Thoroughly indicated who you believe was in control of the outcome of the negotiation attemptsBush or Hussein. Thoroughly provided concrete examples of this control to support your position.
    4. 3 References
    Weight: 5%
    No references provided
    Does not meet the required number of references; all references poor quality choices.
    Does not meet the required number of references; some references poor quality choices.
    Meets number of required references; all references high quality choices.
    Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices.
    5. Clarity writing mechanics and formatting requirements
    Weight: 10%
    More than 8 errors present
    7-8 errors present
    5-6 errors present
    3-4 errors present
    0-2 errors present

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