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    Consider the following scenario:
    You are a manager in a large global manufacturing and services organization. You are trying to explain to your grandfather how different your job is from his before he retired 10 years ago. You both know how society has changed, and you want to explain how that has changed management. Select 2 of the 5 topics listed below, and discuss how management has changed with respect to both of the topics you selected. Use real world examples to address 2 of the following areas:
    •Organizational culture
    •Outside environment
    •Corporate responsibility and ethics
    •Society and trends (such as diversity)
    After selecting 2 of the 5 topics listed above, use the AIU Online Library to identify additional sources of information related to each topic.
    Remember to use the library or other Web resources to support your argument. Be sure to cite your sources using the correct standard of APA.
    Suggestions for Responding to Peer’s Posts
    Review a peer’s response that focused on 2 topics that are different from your chosen topics.
    What changes did he or she observe?
    •What additional changes have you noticed with these aspects of organizations?
    •Provide a real world example to support your points of discussion.

    Grading Criteria
    % of grade for assignment

    Response to Discussion Questions

    Response to Peer Posts (min of two in-depth posts)

    Responses should include APA format for in-text citations and separate references. The work should be free of grammatical errors including misspellings and awkward or incomplete sentences.

    In your own words, please post a response to the Discussion Board and comment on 2 other postings. You will be graded on the quality of your postings.

    For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.
    Unit Materials

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