Building appropriate amounts of bone mass through proper nutrition is critical during childhood and early adulthood

    From reading chapter 9 you know that bone mass peaks at about age 30. Building appropriate amounts of bone mass through proper nutrition is critical during childhood and early adulthood. Females in particular in this age group are at risk for not getting adequate calcium and Vitamin D intake and thus at risk for poorer bone health later in life. They in fact do not get enough calcium and Vitamin D in their diet and the American Academy of Pediatrics urges this group to get appropriate nutrition where calcium and vitamin D are concerned.

    How would you encourage better intake for this population? Think from many perspectives: marketing, school nutrition, sports, home life, social life, college life, working teens, etc. Specifically describe two strategies/campaigns to encourage better intake for this population. These can be novel (one you have created) or strategies/campaigns that you recognize are working well. In your discussion, be sure to explain why you feel the strategy/campaign would work or is working. I recommend two well developed paragraphs for your initial post.

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