Building an ethical organization part 2

    Building an ethical organization part 2

    Psychology and Education

    Paper instructions:
    • Introduction

    • Description of the organization: Expand and incorporate feedback from Building an Ethical Organization Part 1.

    • Mission statement: Expand and incorporate feedback from Building an Ethical Organization Part 1.

    • Values statement: Expand and incorporate feedback from Building an Ethical Organization Part 1.

    • Code of ethics: List your organization’s code of ethics, with a minimum of 10 items. How does the code inspire a tangible outcome from employees? How is it related to the mission and values of the organization?

    • Organizational culture: What type of culture do you plan to foster and how? How will the culture institutionalize the organization’s values?

    • Leadership: What approach to leadership will you take? How will you develop and maintain organizational culture as a leader? What is your moral responsibility as a leader?

    • Oversight: How will you measure your organization’s performance in maintaining an ethical standard? What structures or systems will you put in place for oversight?

    • Conclusion

    Use a minimum of two sources cited using APA format.
    Post your completed project an attachment

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