Building a brand for charity society

    This assignment is about building a brand for charity society. The society is looking to attract people from different nationalities to passionately target charities that are personal to them and help them raise money for them through events. The society is hoping for a sense of passion and community. To create the brand you need to

    1. define what a caregiver brand archetype is and how this society fits into it 

    2. Create a brand identity model for the society similar to the one provided 

    3. Create an associative network model similar to the one provided of what things that should relate to brand in the customers mind 

    3. Fill in a keller model for the brand provided (similar to the one provided) 

    4. Logo in the logo explain what the giving hand (the one provided in the picture) symbolises, history behind it and how to it relates to the society brand . Also explain what olive branches symbolise, their history in relation to that symbolism and how it relates to the society’s brand and how it could be used in the logo. Explain what the colour red symbolises and how it relates to the society’s brand. Spend around 1000 words here

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