Buddhism books

    Buddhism books

    1. Please discuss the Zen Buddhist tradition via a close examination of one of its key scriptures, the Platform Sutra. What can our reading of this scripture tell us about the Zen tradition? What does the tradition emphasize, and what is the nature of the meditation practice advocated by Master Hui-neng?
    2. The Mahayana Buddhist emphasis on compassion, and hence compassionate engagement with suffering beings, does not seem to be compatible with the solitary life of a hermit. Buddhists have, in fact, been criticized for seeking to escape the world. Are these criticisms fair, in your view? Why do you think that some Buddhist monks and nuns seek to practice in solitary mountain retreats? Can this lifestyle be reconciled with the virtue of compassion?
    3. Please reflect on Bill Porter’s Road to Heaven book. What can we learn from this book regarding the contemporary survival of an ancient Chinese religious practice? How does Porter’s account compare with Burger’s “Amongst White Clouds” film?
    4. Compare and contrast the spiritual autobiographies of Martine Batchelor and Son’gyong Sunim in the Women in Korean Zen book. To what degree do the differences of these works reflect cultural and/or generational differences on the part of the authors? What light do they shed on the status of women in Korean Zen Buddhism?


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