BSBPUR402B:Negotiate contracts

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    upload the instructions, scenario 4 ill do it.
    company need; to mnrfefllonary and choc ‘ ‘i u ‘ . m min: company as the purchasing manager. Your
    cost law. However a, W a new “PpIierfo OOd- orade . – koging . erlals from China, in order to keep the
    e company is not willing to Compromise on qua ity assurance requirements.
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    You are re
    I legislativ (Wired to document the product specifications and price and thoroughly research and explain the
    WOW e reQUIrements for exporting from the country Of origin and importing into Australia. This new contract

    l S a high risk so the contract must be legally correct and comply with all trading laws.

    ou must demonstrate a thorough research on the topic and acknowledge all the sources of information usmg
    lapprODriate referencing protocols. You must present your findings in a report not more than 500 words in
    L/Scenario 2
    A supplier has made an offer that matches your product specifications and price range, but does not really
    meet Your requirements quality assurance and delivery timeframes. However, after discussing the terms with
    your board of directors, it is decided that they should accept this supplier’s offer.
    (/Task 2
    Prepare a letter to inform the supplier that your company has accepted their offer and requesting further
    negotiations on the outstanding issues. You must also detail the outstanding issues.
    Scenario 3
    A team from your company have a meeting with the supplier’s team and you reach an agreement on the
    outstanding issues of timeframes and quality assurance.
    Mask 3
    Prepare a documented agreement of terms with the supplier. Your agreement must be prejudice and include
    highlighting any differences from your original requirements.
    Scenario 4
    As a next step, you have been asked to draft a cont-tut for L cpiy.
    X ‘ Task 4
    C Prepare a draft contract. Your contrac’ :-.l.-;,i,l-.. “lLL. aJ tress m: fc.’l-.)v.i.-.g,:
    o A plan of accurate distribution 0; tontrants to “limiters nLti ail ielewwi. personnel within the
    0 A plan for the appropriate storage am; safeguarding or contract coy-amen“
    form 5
    Several suppliers had bidfor this tender to supply the food-grade packagng more: iois to your company, but
    were unsuccessful due to various reasons.

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