Briefly discuss each step in the Strategic Management Process. Select the step in the Process, if done well, has the greatest impact on the success of an organization? Custom Essay

    1. Briefly discuss each step in the Strategic Management Process. Select the step in the Process, if done well, has the greatest impact on the success of an organization?

    This does not suggest that any of the steps could be eliminated. The question is designed to force some thought about each steps in the process. Defend

    your response.

    2. In the Strategic Management Process, managers have a number of options from which to select the competitive strategy/s they intend to implement. (pp113

    -115). What are they and why are they important? In your response relate how "growth, stability and renewal" strategies are related to Porter’s

    Competitive Strategies.

    3. As noted in question 3 above, businesses (managers) typically select a specific “ competitive strategy” to allow them to gain and sustain a competitive

    advantage. Four well known companies are listed below. Study the competitive strategies carefully and then identify the particular competitive strategy

    practiced by each of the firms. You must give a rationale for your selection.

    A). Family Dollar B). Best Buy C). Ford Motor Co. D). McDonalds


    4. Agree or disagree with the following statement and defend your selection. In today’s dynamic/changing (sometimes chaotic) business environment, Planning

    for the future has become outdated and a waste of management’s time. It is better to just be prepared to “react” rather than try to anticipate the future.

    Chapter six one page essay: Every organization’s long term goal is to “survive”. This means, producing a product/service that can be sold to an “end user”

    (customer) at a cost that is greater than its cost of production. Your essay assignment is to rank the six “Elements of Structure/Design” (pp. 132-141) in

    the order of their importance as to a managers success in leading an organization. After you have “prioritized” the elements, your essay should consist of

    a one page defense of you priorities, especially number 1 and number 6. Realize, there is no ONE CORRECT response.

    Chapter Six Discussion Questions:

    1. How might a “mechanistic and/or an organic” structure relate to an organization’s strategy?

    2. A “simple” structure is always better than a “bureaucratic” one. Why or why not?

    3. How might “organization culture” impact organizational structure?

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