Summary of Childbirth Class (25 points)
    Give a synopsis of the class; who was the instructor?
    What was the instructor’s training?
    Describe the people attending the class (ages, marital status, GP, SES).
    Describe the topics covered during the class. • What was missing? (40 points) Choose one topic that you think should have been included in this Childbirth Class.
    Write a summary of what SHOULD HAVE been included.
    Find at least THREE reputable sources to back up the information you’ve included.
    Sources must be recent (published within last 5 years)

    The information missing there that was not talked about much was infant formula for mother who did not wish to breast feed due to not able to procedure milk or some issues. also she did not talk about how can this mother get into government week program the will help for infant formula. please comment on this issues on the the last paragraph before conclusion.

    This are the list of the thinks she talked about in the class . please research on breast feeding class and up more things. she talked about how breast is make, milk production cycle, demands and supply, skin to skin contact of the baby and mother, different kinds of holdings and position to feed a baby explain each one. she talked about the position which is good for a mother with a CESAREAN SECTION to feed the baby. she talked about latching on, feeding in the first weeks, hunger sign, feeding guidelines. then she also talked about effective latching and ineffective latch the effects on the baby. signs of the baby getting enough., weight gain. then she talked about how mother should take care of the nipple, engorgement of the breast and what causes it. also how mother should take care of them self.

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