Brand Positioning

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    On the basis of the blueprint created in Service Marketing, select possible contact point failures where you would create improvements in the form of new or improved services. Why do you consider these to be contact point failures?
    For these contact point failures, identify and analyze at least two areas for the improvement or creation of new services. Why do you suggest these areas for the improvement or creation of services? How will customers benefit by improving these areas or creating new services?
    In addition, write a statement positioning the brand around the new or improved services.
    Collate your responses in a 2 page report in a Microsoft Word document. On a separate page, cite any sources using the APA format.

    Document Preview:

    1. Customer Need
    2. Customer searches of various service providers.
    3. Customer inquires about the service from a particular Airline.
    5. Customer Orders a Ticket if he is satisfied and convinced by the service provider.
    If the Customer is Satisfied.
    4. Frontline Employee recieves the inquirey and handlies it.
    6. Customer recieves the ticket.
    7. Additional Inquiries made by customer related to departure.
    8. Customer Travels and avails the service on the travel date.
    9. Gives the feedback regarding the service.
    If the customer is not happy and convinced.
    In case of change or cancellation of program.
    Customer Goes for refund.
    The above diagram illustrates the blueprint of service delivery process of a commercial airline. The process starts with the customer need. At the initial stage, the customer need is created in the form of travel on a particular date. At this point the customer might not be sure on the date or the airline that he/she would travel with. At the second stage the customer searches for various service providers. It includes filtering the search to a given date, to a particular route and airlines that provide services on this route. This is an important process on the part of the customer. In the third phase, the customer actually inquires about the services from the service providers he filtered in step 2. This involves contacting the airlines through inquiry or customer service channel. In the fourth phase, the frontline employee of the particular airlines received the inquiry and gets back to the customer about the inquiry. This involves resolving the customer’s queries relating to travel date, time, hours, offers and ticket prices. This phase is the actual time when the customer makes up their mind while availing the service of a particular airline. The customer might repeat this process for a number of airlines and might review their requirements at this phase. The customer then orders the ticket in the fifth phase after…


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