Boylan, Michael. Business Ethics. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 2001. Print. von Kleist, Heinrich. Michael Kohlhaas. Hoboken: Melville House, 2008. Print.

    Boylan, Michael. Business Ethics. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 2001. Print.
    von Kleist, Heinrich. Michael Kohlhaas. Hoboken: Melville House, 2008. Print.


    1. In Business Ethics, Chapter 1, Michael Boylan suggests that the strategy of applied ethics assumes a particular theory of ethics, moves to linking principles, and finishes, at least temporarily, with a practical directive to action/choice. This strategy, while somewhat straightforward, is subject to constantly changing global and personal world views. Within this complex web of world views, then, we are all duty bound to develop and act out our choices which must be both comprehensive and internally consistent. In a 3 page single spaced essay, discuss the intricacies of world views as they apply to business ethics.
    2. In Business Ethics, Chapter 2, Boylan introduces and explains four ethical theories that make up the bulk of theoretical discourse on ethics. The theories include: Intuitionism, Virtue Ethics, Utilitarianism, and Deontology. In a 3 page single spaced essay, define, parse out, and show the merits of each ethical theory. In addition, try to discern which ethic best fits your personal ethical world view.
    3. In Business Ethics, Chapter 3, Boylan argues that any study of business ethics needs to determine the nature of a corporation. For some theorists, the corporation should be viewed as a collection of individuals, while other theorists insist that the corporation should be seen as an individual unto itself. In a 3 page single spaced essay, consider the advantages/disadvantages of perceiving the corporation as a collection of individuals or as an individual itself when studying business ethics.
    4. In Business Ethics, Chapter 4, Alan Malachowski posits that business ethics suffers from laboring under the so-called evolutionary paradigm, which simplifies otherwise highly complex ethical issues in the work place, as paradigms often do. In a 3 page single spaced essay, briefly map out the nature of the evolutionary process, define the paradigm concept, and trace the inherent problems within the evolutionary paradigm. Then, consider the nature of the process of natural selection as a possible paradigm shift.
    5. In Business Ethics, Chapter 5, Boylan addresses three issues that have ethical implications for corporations, including working conditions, affirmative action, and gender. These issues presuppose, I have suggested, the ethical theory known as distributive justice. In a 3 page single spaced essay, discuss the three issues listed above (working conditions, affirmative action, and gender) in terms of the theoretical notion of distributive justice.



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