I. Book Review
    This is a formal paper and must be written in third person. The book review is a to-the-point summary/evaluation of the assigned book:
    Sutherland, M. (2005). Judicial tyranny. St. Louis, MO: The National Policy Center. ISBN: 0975345567.
    The length of the book review will be no less than 3 pages and no more than 5 pages of relevant analysis, plus a cover page, abstract, and reference page. Follow APA format for standard academic work regarding cover page, abstract, headers, citations, and references. References are required.
    II. Content
    A. Summary
    Be sure the summary covers the entire book and identify the authors’ major theme or thesis and their purpose for writing the book. The task is to summarize the entire book, using selected details to support your overview. Do not be so detailed about the first part of the book, that you do not adequately deal with the subsequent sections. To avoid this problem, organize the summary carefully and logically.
    B. Evaluation
    The evaluation is the most crucial part of the review. This is not a summary of the book’s content, but rather a critical evaluation of what the authors’ have to say from a criminal justice perspective. Do not be afraid to react to the book both positively and negatively.
    C. The following are suggested questions to help you develop the evaluation:
    1. Do the authors achieve their intended purpose?
    2. What presuppositions do the authors begin with about the case? Are they valid?
    3. Are their arguments logical, well supported, or convincing?
    4. What are their conclusions?
    5. What is unique, significant, or interesting about the book?
    6. What biases are evident?
    7. What does the book/author teach the criminal justice student?
    Explain and critique the book to the best of your ability from the criminal justice perspective.


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