Book Review on The Tipping Point by Malcom Gladwell from a Business Strategy/Policy Making point of view Custom Essay

    Research on this assignment and write 5 pages based on the question: Book Review on The Tipping Point by Malcom Gladwell from a Business Strategy/Policy Making point of view.
    1. Why did you choose this book? (5 points)
    2. What is the book about? What are the book�s central themes or subjects? (10 points)
    3. How thorough did the author address the subject(s)? Is the book well written? Why/why not? (10 points)
    4. What sources did the author cite? (10 points)
    5. Is the author�s treatment of the subject detailed, superficial, balanced, one-sided? Why? (5 points)
    6. Who is the intended audience for this book? (5 points)
    7. How does this book relate to our topic of Business Strategy? Give some examples. (15 points)
    8. What did you find most interesting about this book? (5 points)
    9. What questions do you still have after reading the book? (10 points)
    10. Utilize direct citations/quotes from the book in defense of your observations. (10 points)

    This assignment is intended to
    1) Expose you to a broader range of literature in on the topic of this course, and
    2) To help you hone your critical thinking skills through analysis, and critique of a longer written work, and to lead a discussion of your findings. To this second point, you are presenting an organized analysis, not just an opinion piece. Utilize quotes from the book to defend your observations/make your points.
    Walk the reader (me) logically through your discussion.

    Ensure that the assignment is original free from plagiarism and use journals and book as references.

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