Book Review: Move Yourself ― Tedd Mitchell Custom Essay

    Move Yourself ― Tedd Mitchell, et al.
    Mitchell, T., Church, T. & Zucker, M. (2008).Move yourself: The Cooper Clinic Medical Director’s guide to all the healing benefits of exercise (even a little!). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.

    Open this document to preview the requirements for the Book Review which you will write and submit at the end of Week 4. Please note as follows:
    1. “External Source” means a reading other than one that I have listed in the Reading List.
    2. Be sure to include an Introduction in your Part I and a Conclusion in your Part IV of the book report.
    3. There is a page limit of 2-3 pages for the body of the paper. You will have five
    points deducted if you exceed the page limit.
    4. Your reference(s) for the collaboration/contradiction section should be from professional cites (does not have to be a "peer-reviewed journal, but should not be from a newspaper, non-professional magazine, etc).

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