BOOK REVIEW Fenn, Elizabeth Anne Pox Americana: The Great Smallpox Epidemic of 1775-82 Hill and Wang, 2002 978-0809078219 Soft Cover


    Did you find the book easy or hard to read, and why?

    What were your most/least favorite portions of the book, and why?

    Do you think the author provided adequate support for his thesis / arguments?

    Was there any material that you felt should have been included in the book but wasn’t? Was there material in the book that you felt was unnecessary?

    What did you learn from it? What do you feel was the most important idea or concept you gained from reading the book?

    In what ways did this book increase your understanding of the Revolutionary period of American history?

    Do you think the book have been improved? If so, how?

    Do you feel that the book agrees or disagrees with other books or material you have read on this subject? If so, in what ways, and what do you feel is the correct interpretations of events, and why?



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