Book Review: Big Data: A Revolution that will transform how we live, work and think – Viktor Mayer- Schonberger Custom Essay

    1) I love you more than my dog: five decisions that drive extreme customer loyalty in good times and bad – Jeanne Bliss
    2) Big Data: A Revolution that will transform how we live, work and think – Viktor Mayer- Schonberger
    3) Sexy Little Numbers: How to grow your business using the data you already have – Paul B.Brown

    Write three book reviews.
    4 page each including summary and critique of three recent books about managing customers. You should answer the following questions in the three book reviews:
    • What are the key points of this book?
    • Has the author presented any new or interesting ideas? What are they?
    • How do the ideas in this book relate to other things you have read in any of your other business classes?
    • Is this book helpful for managers? How?
    • Is this book helpful for business students? How?
    • Would you recommend this book? To whom would you recommend it?
    • What is your overall opinion of this book?

    Important: Use the above questions as headings in your report. You must address each point.

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