Book Review

    Book Review

    Review length
    o 1-2 pages: with the title page 2-3
    Review must be double-spaced and typed with a 12 point font
    o The choice of fonts include Times New Roman, Courier or Ariel
    Indentation of the review is “normal” or 1 inch on every side
    o Paragraphs must be indented an additional ½ inch
    o No bullets or numbered lists- you must write in complete sentences
    o While this is not a research paper, you must learn to edit your work
    Summarize the author’s thesis or argument
    o This does not mean covering details from each chapter but conveying the larger picture of the work.
    o What is the author stating about his/her topic? Every historian looks for an angle to approach a topic in a new way.
    Think and write critically!
    o What were the strengths of the book?
    o What were the weaknesses?
    o Did the author defend their thesis to your satisfaction or were you not convinced that he/she was correct in their assessment?
    o What types of primary documents did the author use for evidence?
    o Did the author use his/her sources well?
    o Was the writing easy to follow and interesting to read or was it hard to understand and boring?
    o Would you recommend the book to other students who wish to know more about the topic?

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