
    i want you to write about the story called “Life of Pi.” i DONOT want a summery. i just want you to write “My point of view” for this story. if i like it or not. and please make sure to get all the next 10 points to be in the paper.

    1. Does the blog make a point, have a thesis, or at least a main idea?
    2. Does the blog support its point with direct evidence (quotes or anecdotes) from the text?
    3. Does the blog show the reader’s genuine response to the text by interacting with an issue the text raises?
    4. Does the blog show the writer’s personal investment by relating the reader-response to the student’s real life?
    5. Does the blog comment on or fulfill course objectives related to international cultural significance, issues, and values?
    6. Does the blog meet the deadline. and not go too far past the suggested maximum (1400 words)?
    7. Does the blog avoid summarizing?
    8. Does the blog avoid plagiarizing?
    9. Does the blog have an original title that reflects the student’s creativity?
    10. Does the blog freely express at least one opinion the student has about the content of the text?

    More notes on blogs for this class:

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