Birth of my son by IVF (in vitro Feritlization)

    1. First two(2) pages required to write a descriptive paragraph; however, you must demonstrate mastery of the in following your paragraph. Therefore, the depth (length) of your paragraph must be sufficient to demonstrate these concepts.

    2. Topic Sentence – Be sure this a general statement that states the person, place, or thing will describe. Highlight this sentence in "Aqua blue"
    3. Body Sentences- Be sure to select ideas and write sentences that appeal to the senses (sight,sound,smell,taste,and/or touch) and that are definitely related to the topic sentence. The quality and relationship of these sentences will be evaluated.
    3. Coherence: Be sure that your organize your paragraph in the best way possible. A coherent paragraph is clear, logical, and readable.
    A. Order : Select the best order for your paragraph (time, space, or important). Select transitions for your paragraph that demonstrate your understanding of the order. At a minimum, you must use three transitions to demonstrate your understanding of this concept. Highlight these transitions in "yellow".
    B. Related sentences: Be sure to repeat words and ideas; use synonyms and substitutions to demonstrate your understanding of this concept. Highlight these related words or sentence parts in "gray"
    4. Sentence Structure: In your paragraph, demonstrate you understanding of the following sentence structures. You must demonstrate at least one (1) of each of the following structures. Highlight these in "green"
    a. Coordinating conjunction
    b. Semicolon
    c. Conjunctive adverb
    d. Subordinate clause followed by an independent

    Last page is double spaced APA. In a paragraph, define "Plagiarism" and discuss two (2) ways to avoid plagiarism in your writing

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