biotransformation of sweeteners into toxic compounds

    it is about the biotransformation of sweeteners into toxic compounds

    you can choose whatever artificial sweeteners, but I found the most popular articles are about

    aspartame, saccharin, sucralose, Sodium cyclamate


    you will apply all this point on one artificial sweeteners

    in this project:

    1-it must be more than 10 papers (not including the figures and reference).


    2- the sections:

    A-Introduction about the artificial sweeteners in general: What is sugars, and why people need it. what they are, what FDA approved, reason for production.

    B-Background about the artificial sweetener you choose: what it is, structure, where it uses and found, FDA daily intake

    B- History: when and why, who discover this artificial sweetener

    C- prevalence: Where they can be found and used

    D- Benefits: for body ex: (reducing caloric intake, normalizing blood glucose level, weight control, and others)

    E- The side effects in living organisms (its pathogenesis)

    its effect on: Gastrointestinal motility, Microbiome, impact energy balance and metabolic function, induce glucose intolerance by altering the gut microbiota, weight gain, cancer, and other effects)

    F- Metabolism: how they work to effect, secretion, absorption, permeability, how they are bad

    G- Figures especially in the Metabolism section


    I- references

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