Bioterrorism Agent- Staphylococcal enterotoxin B

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    Bioterrorism Agent- Staphylococcal enterotoxin B

    Paper instructions:
    Bioterrorism agent to write on is Staphylococcal enterotoxin B
    Access the information at the CDC website (

    to complete the assignment. If information is not available at the CDC you may use other refereed sites like the WHO ( world Health Organization).
    The following areas are to be addressed in the paper
    1.    Explanation of disease with other names used to indicate this

    a.    Background info
    2.    Pathogenesis
    3.    Clinical manifestations
    4.    Diagnosis
    5.    Vaccination
    6.    Treatment
    7.    Prognosis
    8.    Statistics r/t disease
    9.    Bioterrorism information
    a.    Post-exposure prophylaxis

    b.    Infection control & environmental decontamination

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