Biology help 5

    1. Title page: descriptive title your name course name semester
    2.Introduction: general background information about enzymes and specific information about your chosen enzyme the question(s) that you are asking and a clear hypothesis for your experiment (20 points).
    3. Design an experiment. Provide a detailed description of the materials and methods used to conduct the experiment. Identify control and experimental samples as well as independent and dependent variables. Also include the methods used for data collection and analysis (20 points).
    4. Conduct the experiment and record your results. Take picture(s) of your results. What did you observe?Present your data in table and/or graph format. Remember to label everything and include the unit of measure with all numbers (20 points)
    5. Use your knowledge of enzymes and pH to interpret and discuss your results. It may be necessary for you to refer to the OLI course modules lab manual and/or use additional information resources. What effect does the acidic treatmenthave on enzyme activity? Did you get the expected results? Explain. (20 points)
    6.State a specific and accurate conclusion. Is your hypothesis supported by the results? Looking back how could you have improved your experiment?(10 points)
    7. Include a list of references to all information sources used in APA format (5 points).

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