Bible Discussion 500 Words

    Reflective Journal Entry – Belief, Obedience, and the Ten Commandments [Originality Check]


    The 10 Commandments image


    Assignment Overview


    The journal is a record of reflections about your own experiences, attitudes, opinions, and feelings in relation to the material and within the context of the themes we are examining in the course.  Each entry should explore the content of the week’s topic in relation to your own experience and academic knowledge. The entries are to critically engage with the resources and dialogue provided in the course.


    Assignment Instructions


    Think back on your own experience and past perspective. Based on this week’s course material and discussion forum, reflect on the following questions:


    1. What have you learned from the readings about the meaning of the Ten Commandments and how they apply to your own life and living?
    2. What is the relationship between belief and obedience?
    3. How are you learning to find the pattern of discernment in the Bible?


    Assignment Scope


    • Submission at least 500 words
    • Written in Times New Roman font
    • Written in 12 point font
    • Paper is double-spaced

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