Best Practices

    Best Practices

    Use the CUW library system (or your local library) to locate and read at least five published research articles on a “best practice” innovation or quality model that is contributing to success in an American or international corporation or organization. You may write your paper on Japanese management, TQM, or another successful strategy that improves quality and/or morale in organizations. Before writing, check with your instructor to get approval of your paper topic.

    LENGTH and FORMAT: This research paper is to be 8-12 double-spaced pages in length. Cite all and only sources used in the paper using APA format.

    CONTENT: For the management model you select, address the following subtopics:

    HISTORY: Tell who is credited with developing the model and some history on it’s development and origin. [1-2 paragraphs]

    PURPOSE: Specify the goals of using this strategy and provide any theory for why it is effective in accomplishing these goals. [1page]

    ADVANTAGES: What ways would this model benefit an organization? Provide some success stories (with statistics or research) of companies that benefited in these ways.[2-3 pages].

    DISADVANTAGES: What are the risks or limitations of this model? What are some weaknesses with the model or situations it might not work well? [1-2 pages]

    IMPLEMENTATION GUIDELINES: What steps should be taken in implementing this model in a company? Explain each step and provide any guidelines that might make implementation more successful. [2-3pages]

    SUCCESS STORIES: Identify one or more companies or organizations that used this model successfully. Provide research showing the results attained by the strategy. [1-2pages]


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