Benchmarking and Performance Measurement Custom Essay

    Knowledge and Understanding
    1. Understand the principles of Operations Management
    2. Apply OM concepts and methodologies to a manufacturing or service operation
    3. Discuss and understand current OM issues such as IT, technology and supply chain management

    Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes
    1. Manage their own learning by organising their own work, effectively monitoring their own

    progress and meeting targets
    2. Apply problem solving skills in specific areas of management
    3. Use electronic information sources
    4. Undertake written communications
    Operations Management 2
    Benchmarking and Performance Measures have be used together extensively to drive process

    improvement. Xerox is normally credited with developing Benchmarking techniques in 1979 (note:

    you are to choose other companies as case studies and NOT Xerox).
    Choose two company case studies: one in manufacturing and one in service sector (eg. a travel

    company). It is recommended that you use Emerald to search for technical articles and journal

    Critically discuss and evaluate, in your own words, the two companies’ different approaches.

    Marking scheme:
    Manufacturing company: Service company:
    Benchmarking 25% 25%
    Performance measures 25% 25%

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