Being a Caregiver

    Being a Caregiver


    English and Literature
    Paper instructions:
    This essay will consist of an introduction paragraph with the thesis statement, five to seven body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. The final draft of the essay must be 700 – 900 words long and submitted in MLA manuscript style. It will be graded for format, organization, style, and grammar.

    When you analyze a process, you break it down into separate steps and present those steps to your reader in one of two ways. You can either instruct the reader on how to do something or explain how something happens.
    Criteria for an Appropriate Topic

    The topic for your process essay should meet the following criteria:

    The process should be one you do well and often, such as a procedure you do daily in school, or on the job.
    The process should be suitable for its intended audience.
    The process should be one for which instructions are not easily found elsewhere.
    The process should be one that can be discussed fully in the required length of the paper.
    Criteria for an Appropriate Topic

    The topic for your process essay should meet the following criteria:

    The process should be one you do well and often, such as a procedure you do daily in school, or on the job.
    The process should be suitable for its intended audience.
    The process should be one for which instructions are not easily found elsewhere.
    The process should be one that can be discussed fully in the required length of the paper.
    Types of Process Analysis

    There are two different types of process essays, instructions and explanations. Generally, the instructional essay is easier to write.

    Instructions: Step-by-step directions on how to complete a process such as how to put a computer together.
    Explanations: Detailed description of a process, usually in nature, such as how a computer works or how bees make honey
    Guidelines for Writing Instructions

    Follow these guidelines for writing an instructional process essay:

    Use the second person (you).
    Divide the process into steps and make the sequence clear.
    Give complete instructions.
    Be specific.
    Avoid the telegraphic style.
    Guidelines for Writing Explanations

    Follow these guidelines for writing an explanatory process essay:

    Use the third person (he, she, it, they).
    Divide the process into steps and make the sequence clear.
    Be sure the explanation is complete.
    Make your explanation lively and interesting.

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