behavioral learning:

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    You examined two major theories of behavioral learning: classical conditioning and operant conditioning. These theories assert that learning occurs as a result of responding to the environment (stimulus-response); they do not consider mental processes. Classical conditioning suggests that learning, like a reflex, is an automatic response to stimuli. Operant conditioning suggests that learning is the result of rewards and punishments. In contrast, social cognitive theory suggests that people can learn from one another. This theory involves cognitive awareness and requires cognitive processes. Psychologist Albert Bandura, pioneered a type of social cognitive theory known as observational learning. You can observe someone engaging in a behavior and form a mental expectation that you can also perform that behavior, before you actually try to do so. Observational learning suggests that learning involves mental processes such as expectation, observation, encoding, and replication. Sometimes the terms social cognitive theory and observational learning are used interchangeably. While it is more typical that observational learning is considered to be a type of social cognitive theory, your text explains social cognitive theory as a theory of observational learning and it labels Bandura’s work in the area as “Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory.” In addition to Bandura’s work, psychologists, Neal Miller and John Dollard developed a theory of observational learning, called the Miller-Dollard Reinforcement Theory.

    To prepare for this assignment:

    •    Review Chapter 10 in the course text, Learning and Behavior. Pay particular attention to the sections titled, “Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory” and “Miller-Dollard Reinforcement Theory.”

    •    Think of times in your life where you learned something through observational learning.

    •    Select an example of observational learning to use for this Discussion. It may be one that you experienced personally or one experienced by someone you know well and can provide you with information about his or her experience.

    •    Reflect on the Miller-Dollard Reinforcement Theory and how it might explain the example you selected.

    •    Consider Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory and how it would explain the same behavior.

    •    Reflect on the two theories and think about what is different between them in terms of accounting for learning, ultimately selecting one such difference to use in this Discussion.
    With these thoughts in mind: Assignment: 1-page

    (1). Write an example of observational learning. (2).Explain how the Miller-Dollard Reinforcement Theory would account for the experience. (3). Then explain how Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory would explain your behavior. (4). Explain one major difference between the two theories.

    Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources. ***No Plagiarism and must be cited. Thank you
    •    Learning Resources
    Please read and view (where applicable) the following Learning Resources before you complete this week’s assignments.
    •    Course Text: Learning and Behavior
    o    Chapter 10, “Observational Learning”

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