Be sure to watch and read the Miscellaneous Topics at the end of Chapter 9 of Cu

    Be sure to watch and read the Miscellaneous Topics at the end of Chapter 9 of Cultural Anthropology. Then address the following topic: As noted anthropologys work with the military over the years has been wrought with controversy. Where do you stand on the issue regarding the use of anthropologists in intelligence gathering for the military? Can you come up with a compelling argument based on examples given in the text your understanding of the ethical requirements of anthropologist and from your own experiences /understanding of past and present military actions to take a stance on this issue? Please use concepts and terminology from the textWatch Winners and Losers available in the Films On Demand database in the Ashford Online Library. Which issues are most urgent in our world today? Are they the same in the US as in the developing world? Where will the application of an anthropological perspective be most effective?

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