BCOM 426 Week 3 DQs and Summary

    This paperwork of BCOM 426 Week 3 Discussion Question and Summary comprises:

    DQ1: Taking into consideration the many parts of a media campaign, why is it so important to conduct a thorough situational analysis? How are the objectives of a media campaign derived? What indicators might guide your decisions to mold a creative strategy?

    DQ2: What is an example of a business communications goal? What are at least two appropriate media strategies to achieve these goals? How can you determine whether or not these strategies are effective?

    DQ3: What types of measurement devices might you employ in the pre-testing and the post-testing phase of the advertising copy? How do you recommend monitoring the success of the product or service you are advertising?

    DQ4: Why is it so important to conduct a thorough situational analysis in developing each part of a media campaign? How are the objectives of a media campaign derived?


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